Scientific review

 I chose the paper Generative Adversarial Networks[1] from Ian Goodfellow, which I am going to evaluate how good the paper is. I am going to use the IJCAI review template to asses the quality of this paper.


– Is the paper fully within the scope of the conference? Will the questions and results of the paper be of interest to researchers in the field?

This paper has demonstrated the viability of the adversarial modeling framework, suggesting that these research directions could prove useful. It opens up quite a few paths, as a lot of problems have a limited data set, so now it would be possible to enrich synthetically those data sets.


– Is this a significant advance in the state of the art? Is this a paper that people are likely to read and cite? Does the paper address an important problem? Does it open new research directions? Is it a paper that is likely to have a lasting impact?

This is a significant advance in the state of the art and shows a novel idea. As it is something completely new, that potentially is able to enrich data sets, it will be read and cited by others.
==> Score 7


– Reviewers should recognise and reward papers that propose genuinely new ideas. As a reviewer you should try to assess whether the ideas are truly new. Novel combinations, adaptations or extensions of existing ideas are also valuable

The idea of the paper is new and it clearly shows how it is different to the other state of the art approaches and where the pros and cons are of this novel approach. It is something completely new and never seen.
==> Score 9

Technical Quality

– Are the results technically sound? Are there obvious flaws in the conceptual approach? Are claims well-supported by theoretical analysis or experimental results? Are the experiments well thought out and convincing? Will it be possible for other researchers to replicate these results? Is the evaluation appropriate? Did the authors clearly assess both the strengths and weaknesses of their approach?

Every claim is supported by figures, equations or explanations. The dataset they are using for the experiment is introduced. Also the architecture of the framework in the experiment is clearly described. The final result is clearly measured and compared to other models, that wanted to solve the same problem. 
==> Score 9

Clarity and quality of writing

– Is the paper clearly written? Is there a good use of examples and figures? Is it well organized? Are there problems with style and grammar? Are there issues with typos, formatting, references, etc.? It may be better to advise the authors to revise a paper and submit to a later conference, than to accept and publish a poorly-written version. However, if the paper is likely to be accepted, please make suggestions to improve the clarity of the paper, and provide details of typos.

The logic of how they describe the framework makes sense and it follows the same principle as if you would implement it, which I quite like as a Computer Scientist. For each additional element added to the framework, a paragraph describes why it is needed and how it interacts with the others. This is super helpful, as it makes the paper much easier to read and you get the idea faster. Also this is needed as the content is quite difficult.
Furthermore, they use helpful graphics, which are very well described (partly half a page long) and they describe the algorithm with pseudocode (Latex algorithm group).
In the paper and their proposed solution they use quite a lot of mathematical expressions, formulas and equation which are well formatted using LaTex. Every abbreviation used is first introduced in the text. The sentences are rather short, they don't use any fancy words and they are quite specific in explaining it.

==> Score 9

Scholarship, i.e. scientific context

– Does the paper situate the work with respect to the state of the art? Are relevant papers cited, discussed, and compared to the presented work?

Overall Score

9- An excellent paper, a very strong accept

Confidence in my assessment

7 - I have up-to-date knowledge in the area

Comments to Authors

They summarize key components, as training, evaluation, model design and sampling over other state of the art models they have used in the paper in a table with keywords and point out challenges for each model and compared it to their novel framework, which I realy like.


[1] Ian J. Goodfellow. Generative Adversarial Networks. Accessed: 2021-04-23


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  2. Dear Antonio

    Thank you for this interesting review. I really liked how you stated what questions each part answers. It really helps the readers understand what they should expect in each part.

    All the best,


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